
Friday, May 11, 2012

Busy week ahead

It's been awhile since I have updated on the kiddos, here is just a snippet of what has been going on, (I will have a complete update later.)
Here is next weeks schedule:
Monday- Eli has physical therapy
Tuesday- Gavin's pre-operation appointment
Thursday- Gavin's Surgery
Friday- Gavin's post-operation appointment.

At Eli's 2 month check up the pediatrician diagnosed him with Congenital Torticollis,you can click the link to learn more,  but basically Eli only looks right.  Nothing that a little physical therapy wont fix.

Now Gavin.
Gavin  has what we lovingly call a creepy eye; the medical term would be Left Fourth Nerve Palsy.  One of the muscles in his eye is not working like it should so the stronger muscle pulls it out of place causing double vision and trouble seeing. The procedure is out patient, and should take 30-60 minutes but he should be good as new in a day or two.

This is one of those times where I REALLY wish we had our Nan Na and Grammy around to help,  BUT we will survive.  An awesome friend has not only offered to keep Eli, but to keep him overnight if we need.  Jason will have Friday off so we will both be home to pamper Gavin.

I am very thankful that aside from a few minor issues my boys are happy and healthy.  There are much worse things then a stiff neck and creepy eye.

Here are pictures just so this blog isn't completely boring.